Here's What IVF Patients Really Need: More Access and Fewer Lies
Politicalization of the procedure detracts from the urgent need for more funding and research.
By: Georgeanna Jones Klingensmith

Stay informed about the latest news and research updates on infertility and in vitro fertilization (IVF) from the Jones Foundation.
The Howard and Georgeanna Jones Institute for Reproductive Medicine in Norfolk, Virginia, was established by its founders in 1983 as advancements were made in in vitro fertilization. In 1984, the Howard and Georgeanna Jones Foundation for Reproductive Medicine was established to provide financial and advisory support to the Institute. The Foundation is no longer exclusively associated with the Jones Institute. In 2009, the Foundation expanded its focus to support scientists and organizations across the country.
Jones Rounds
An innovative, unique learning experience in reproductive medicine, law and ethics.
Crafted for Reproductive Endocrinology Fellowship programs, Jones Rounds™ presents a dual-component interactive educational initiative that delves into intricate topics bridging Reproductive Medicine, Law, and Ethics. This program, supported by a grant from the Howard & Georgeanna Jones Foundation and collaboratively created with Georgetown University’s Kennedy Institute of Ethics, can be customized for Ob/Gyn, Family Medicine, and various other residency programs.

We are the
Jones Foundation
The nation’s preeminent medical research foundation in reproductive medicine.
We are a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing scientific and medical research in reproductive medicine. We are regarded as the premier national institution focusing on research in reproductive medicine.
Operating autonomously, the Foundation has awarded more than $30 million in grants to medical institutions across the country to improve studies on in vitro fertilization and to educate healthcare professionals, policymakers, and administrators on matters related to public policy and ethics. The Foundation has endorsed, acknowledged, and granted funding to significant research endeavors that have contributed to progress in the field of reproductive medicine and aimed at examining public policy matters concerning reproductive medicine to enlighten the public and strive for the betterment of society.

Over 8 million IVF children have been born in the US since 1981

Infertility affects 10%-15% of couples

Over 400,000 IVF or other assisted reproductive technology cycles done annually in the US